It is beyond comprehension. I spend almost every minute of every day with my sweet little girl. I feed her, I tickle her, I read to her and I shower her with a ridiculous amount of kisses. I'm the person who lovingly cleans the earwax out of her ears and the boogers out of her nose.
Why is it then that every time Daddy walks through the door, Bryn's face just glows! She cracks a huge grin (sometimes even an audible laugh) and looks at him as if to say, "Daddy, I'm so happy you're home. This wicked witch has been torturing me all day. Don't ever leave me again."
I'm certainly in trouble ... because Daddy is starting to like her as much as she likes him.
Bryn and Daddy enjoying some Chopin together
Beefing up on baseball highlights
Perusing Politico and Drudge
It's J.C. All the kids love J.C. My kids love him. All we have to do is say his name and the kids start-a-fawning...
Drudge!?! Drudge!!!
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